367.10 Miscellaneous[//]

After choosing this option the following input form will be displayed:

Fields on the screen

Allow decentralized (location-specific) print layouts and printing for claims: if checked, you can define different sets of claim print layouts for each location within your serials metainstitution. You would then generate and print claims (AFO 351/2/3) for each location within your serials metainstitution separately.
If not checked, you create one set of claim print layouts and these layouts are used for all claim printing within your serials metainstitution. When you run AFO 351/2/3, claims for all locations within your serials metainstitution are processed.
The location of a claim is determined by the location in the shelfmark of the subscription.

Suppress claiming for indexes: if checked no claims will be generated for items that have “Index” as their Type of Holding rather than “Issues” or “Supplements”.